Upper Level Limits

As the collective feminine is healing (meaning feminine aspects in both men and women), there are some major blocks coming to light. One of the most important ones I’ve noticed in myself and in the clients I’ve worked with, the past few weeks especially, is this idea of an Upper Level Limit.

Because our ancestors for generations before us had very challenging lives with the depression, two world wars etc. and our loss of connection to Spirit and the ability to heal ourselves, we are programmed to be more comfortable with struggle and suffering than we are with joy, happiness, bliss, abundance, love etc.

This causes us to put unconscious limits on ourselves that keeps us in a state of self-limitation and self-sabotage. We don’t know how or refuse to allow ourselves receive the good that life has for us so we push it away or do something to bring us back down to our comfort level of misery, stress and struggle.  

I’ll share a story of my recent experience with self sabotage because sometimes it can be subtle and sneaky and hard to catch if you’re not seeing clearly.

A few months ago, I was out for dinner with some friends. I had just quit my job, was feeling SO good about the gift life had given me - to do the work I love and that fills me, and swimming in all the summery sunshiney vibes. 

When I arrived at the dinner, I parked in a spot that was only valid until 9:45pm so I made a ‘mental note’ to watch the time and come out later and move the car if I needed to.

So 9:45 rolled around and I promptly forgot to move my car and came out at 10:00 to find my car was no longer there. Fuck.

When I retrieved my car, it became immediately apparent that the tow company had towed my car improperly and broken the rear axle. This is especially poignant because this is the third time this has happened. I should have known better than to leave my car in a risky spot because it’s often mistaken for a car that supports a front end tow when in fact it’s a 4 wheel drive and needs to be towed on a flat bed.

What followed was a 3 week battle with incompetence at ICBC, and then three months of weekly emails asking to be reimbursed from said tow company.

A really nice way to pull myself out of all those high vibes and into some infuriating ones.


Everyone has a different limit but, collectively, we are having a massive amount of trouble receiving. We’ve mastered the giving, women especially.  We know how to do that really well. In fact, many of us base our worth and value on how much we give to others and even give what we don't have. But when we block the flow of receiving in balance with what we’re giving we start to get really resentful, and then angry and eventually are so filled with rage that our stomachs are in knots and we’re slamming hammers into our computers because that fucking rainbow wheel won't stop spinning. No? Just me?  

What makes this paradigm even more complicated is that it’s not socially acceptable for women to be angry. The ‘crazy bitch’ stigma is so ingrained that we just continue to walk around with pasted smiles on our faces so everyone around us knows that 'we're fine’ and we’re more than happy to give of ourselves until we’re face down in the mud.

We MUST allow ourselves to receive life into our bodies, into our lives. We hold value because we exist as humans. There need not be any other reason. It’s time to start honouring our light and allowing life to love us, allowing our communities to love us and to receive the abundance we’ve been working to create and manifest in our lives.

Tell that small, scared, untrue part of yourself that you’re taking back the reins of your life and YOU are now in power. The bright, soul-filled, truth-knowing part of you. The world needs this person so desperately, to be in your power, to be in your receptivity, your honesty, your flow and your strength. We gotta stop looking for this in the mud and start looking at our souls. That’s where the answers are.

If you’re interested in reading more about the Upper Level Limit, ‘The Big Leap’ by Gay Hendricks is a very important read.

Receive these words as truth. Tap them into the left side of your body, your feminine, receptive side, and start asking life every day, ‘How much good can I receive today? How good can I allow life to be?’ and let Spirit show you the ways.

With love. 


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