There's Been a Shift

I’m going to start by saying, I’m not an expert (yet) on things planetary and/or energetic, so I’m going to rely on some of the experts I follow to help get this message out. There’s been a shift, people. A great big whopper of an energetic shift in the form of high vibration energy coming to the planet. It occurred just after the new year and the effects have been….interesting. Pair the shift with Mercury going retrograde for the last three weeks and well…maybe now you know why you’ve been dragging your butt around for most of 2015. Mercury retrograde ended yesterday which is why I’m writing this today, and not three days ago or three weeks ago. Resistance. What a hoot.  

Elizabeth Peru writes The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast, a newsletter that forecasts and explains what’s going on ‘up there’. You can follow her on Facebook. Her stuff is awesome. Here’s what she has to say about the shift:


“It occurred just after New Year and particularly affected our lower chakras, the stomach, spleen, liver, digestion etc. It has been a total clear out of the ELIMINATION organs. You have been LETTING GO of 2014 and more. All of those strong desires you have mentally created for a better life in 2015 are now ACTIVATED. You are getting what you wanted. Believe it. Sometimes we need to clean out what holds us back before we can get to the good stuff underneath. Your elimination on the physical level is showing this to you. The physical is always the last place to shift energy. This is a physical year in 2015 and straight away we get a major toxic body release occurring. It’s perfection actually. The forces are with us."


The shift is benefitting everyone, no matter where you are on your spiritual path. Letting go of the old and bringing in the new is AMAZING! However, physical shifts are not always comfortable. Some of the symptoms I’ve been experiencing over the last month are heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, sleeplessness, mood swings, intense emotions which seem out of place, and cravings for pickles. Ok, maybe that last one’s mine. Physical symptoms will show up in all forms so if you’ve been feeling strange, this could be the reason.


Matt Kahn is another energy expert and his YouTube video 'Energy Update: Ascension 2015' is a must-watch.  This was a god-send for me. It explains the shift in such beautiful way and really helped eliminate a lot of the fear and uncertainty I was feeling. He explains that the shift helps us to realize who we are and forget who we are not so that we can share ourselves with other beings on the planet. He says that if we want to continue life with ease and joy, then it’s best to go along with the shift and the changes that are happening around us as much as possible. The more we resist, the more uncomfortable and difficult our lives will be. He also urges us to be patient while waiting for the things we desire to show up in our lives; that the things we desire will only come to us when we’ve evolved enough for that thing to compliment our journey.


The effects of the shift are still happening and will continue to do so for some time I suspect. If any of this resonates for you, watch Matt Kahn on YouTube and follow Elizabeth Peru. They do such an amazing job making sense of all the confusion and chaos that a shift like this can bring. Sending much love, ease and joy.