Over the Super Moon

If you follow astrology, or were outside with your eyes open on August 10th, you most likely saw the jaw-dropping Super Moon we experienced. While this moon has all sorts of astrological significance to which I will leave to the experts to explain, I always find that ‘big moments’ in the sky create some upheaval, literally, for myself and my fellow sensitive beings. By upheaval, I mean that most astrological shifts serve to bring up a lot of energy, often intense, for the purpose of healing and complete release. However, if you are unaware of this, and fight the release of these energies, you’re gonna have a bad time.

For example, I don’t like it when people leave. I’d much prefer that everyone just stay put, in my general vicinity, so I can protect them and hang out with them whenever I please. Unfortunately for me, people have lives outside of their relationships with me. Go figure. Shortly after this so-called ‘wonderful’ Super Moon, one of my very best friends moved across the country, and the following day my brother went back to London, England where he lives full time. Needless to say, this last week has not been a good time. However, after many tears, and a lot of ‘come baaaaaack’ texts, I admitted to myself that this was in fact the sky, at it again. Thank youuu, self-awareness. This was the Universe highlighting an opportunity to heal.

I am fortunate to have my PSYCH-K tools under my belt, which allow me to take these energies/emotions/situations and heal whatever comes up in my world. It also allows me to be profoundly grateful for the not-so-fun emotions that surface because if they remained in the dark, they would never have an opportunity to be released. My dear friend and PSYCH-K practitioner Lynn McCallum calls these emotions our ‘shadows’. The departure of my peeps was the major event, but once I turned inward, I became aware of several other shadows that I had been ignoring. Basically, the Super Moon came in like a flashlight and shone light onto my shadows that I am now, currently healing. I know for sure that I’m not the only one that felt this shift, so if you’re having a rough go, and are confused as to why, hopefully this provides some insight.

While PSYCH-K is an amazing healing tool, there are other ways to heal your shadows if this is not available to you. Meditation is hugely beneficial, especially if you’re able to sit with whatever is coming up. Feel your feels, remember?! Spending time in nature helps to clear your energy field, exercise, rest, healthy food, lots of clean water, energy healing, and acupuncture are all great ways to lift these uncomfortable energies and allow them to heal so that you can move forward with your life with greater ease, confidence, love, and joy. Hooray!

For more information about astrology and what’s going on up there, I follow the amazing Rose Marcus at www.rosemarcus.com