Following the Path of My Dreams

I knew I wanted to be a teacher from a very young age. Alone in my room, I would read stories to an imaginary classroom of children and teach them what I had learned in class that day. One night I was caught red handed by my babysitter, standing on my bed, one hand holding a book, the other waving dramatically so that my ‘audience’ could fully grasp the importance of this particular story.

It was clear to me that I loved to teach.

Somewhere between childhood and University, this desire became foggy. Somehow I decided that it wasn’t what was going to make me money or create success or a long-standing career. My ego narrowed this desire into a few specific jobs that seemed unappealing and so began several years of studying psychology, bartending, working random office jobs and several trips to other parts of the world.

While none of this was bad, I really enjoyed a lot of it, it never gave me that big sense of inspiration or fulfillment I was searching for. Little did I know, teaching had been sneaking in the whole time and when I really sat down and took some time to check in about what I really wanted to do, this is when teaching started to sneak back in.

I found myself in Seoul, Korea where I taught English for a year and a half and then came home and landed in a teaching job that I would stay in for 10 years.

I’ve now transitioned the typical teaching role into one of a coach and healer, but teaching is still a very large part of what I do. I work for myself, I can work from anywhere, I work with people I love doing work I love. As I write this, I’m on the deck of my most favorite place on earth where I have been for the last week. It’s not always easy, it pushed up against all my scary parts but it also supports my growth and learning in the most profound ways. This became possible because I listened to that desire of mine and kept listening, committing to it no matter what.

One of my very favorite questions to ask people, after they tell me what they do and a little bit about their lives, is ‘Do you love it?’ The answer, generally is no, however when it’s a yes, it’s the best.

Why on earth, would we spend 40 hours a week doing work we don’t love? Why would we do things after work and on the weekends that we don’t love? The ego could answer the shit out of this question. Money, hours, flexibilty, medical plan, skill level, no other options, responsibility, chores blah blah blah.

When I sit with people and ask them what they’d like their lives to look like, if anything were possible, I get a number of responses. Sometimes it’s a blank stare as if no one has ever asked them this question. Sometimes it’s overwhelm and fear as if I may judge them for asking or speaking these desires out loud. And sometimes it’s tears of joy because they’ve finally been allowed to desire. To dream. To entertain the possibility that life can be so much greater than it is right now. That all they have to do is make a decision to say ‘yes’ to those desires and watch what happens.

It’s my very favorite thing to see. People come alive. And from that very moment that the question is asked, magic starts to happen. People will often email me in the weeks and months following saying, “You’ll never guess what has happened since our conversation” and my response generally is, “You don’t say?” with deep internal glee.

Anything is possible. Really. All you have to do is say yes and make the very first move. Not 17 moves, not hours and hours of work, not stress and chaos. The first move. Then the ball is rolling and all you have to do is stay with it. It’s not always easy - the path of your truest light is very often not the path of least resistance but isn’t it worth it, if at the end of the day, you can say, ‘I love what I do’?

It’s just my very favorite thing.

Which is why I’ve developed a course to support you in doing just this.

The course looks like this:

'Kickstart Your Dreams' will involve me giving you a loving but swift kick off the edge of your cliff and deep, loving, heart felt support as you learn to fly.

 In this course, you're going to learn to:

  • Take the first steps towards making your dreams reality

  • work with your ego to eliminate patterns of self sabotage

  • learn how to quickly heal patterns and programming from the past that might be blocking you

  • learn how to work with Spirit and your Soul to follow guidance, your intuition and your inspiration

 The course runs for 6 weeks, from Monday, October 15 - Friday, November 23rd, 2018.

 It will include individual coaching and email support from me as well as inspiration and learning from the other people in the course.

 I only have spots for 4 people in this course so if you're interested, send me an email ASAP and we'll have a chat.

I'm so looking forward to watching your dreams come true.

 With deep love for your deepest dreams,

 Love Sara

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