Sara Phillips

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Uplevelling Power

I’ve worked with a lot of women this week who are feeling an upsurge in their power. Dreams are getting clear, big transformation is happening and we’re being asked by our higher selves to step the $@ck up in a large way.

This undoubtedly can create some resistance internally. Some big time fear of the unknown, fear of our power, what will people think of us, what will happen, what won’t happen, will our needs be met, gah!

It’s the noblest of callings, to honour the path of our soul, and I can tell you that from my Shamanic training and exploring and insights, our sacred dream is soooo much bigger than most of us realize. Which is why it requires soooo much more power than we’re currently operating with.

If you have a one second glance at the media, you can see that woman are rising. And it’s messy and scary and vulnerable and there are a lot of people that are less than thrilled about this but who the fuck cares? It’s time. No more playing small. No more hiding ourselves inside a tiny little box, bottling up our rage at being stifled. Just, how about, no more.

Some of the ways I’ve learned to support this upsurge in power are as follows:

  • Use the support of your tribe. It’s one of the most uncomfortable ones because I know a lot of us, myself included, would really love for everyone to think I have it all figured out and I don’t need anyone. I’m a strong independent woman, dammit. While that may be true, a strong independent woman has a tribe of other people around her, guaranteed. She wouldn’t be strong and independent without them. So who can you reach out to today and ask for support from? Or offer support to? We all need it.

  • Take action. Stagnancy can get really comfortable for the scared part of us but it also creates depression, lethargy and a whole bunch of bottled up shit. So let that powerful part of you rise and act the shit out of something. What’s the first, baby step to creating the life you want? This is where it starts. Maybe it’s starting to get clear on what that even is. What do you dream of? What do you desire? Maybe that’s the first step. So take it.

  • If you haven’t already, start your healing journey. If you’ve started, keep going. This makes things waaaay easier and who doesn’t love more ease? It’s a no brainer. We all have shadows, perceived limitations and wounds from our past. However, often times people don’t want to talk about or share these parts of themselves so we all walk around believing that everyone is living the life they post on instagram and we’re the only ones dealing with some intense anxiety or seasonal depression or unexpressed rage. You’re most certainly not the only one. Even my teachers, who have been healing consistently and powerfully for 25 years still have stuff come up. So claim it and heal it. If you don’t know how, send me an email. I’ll help you.

  • Care for yourself. This includes eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough rest, keeping your mind clear, having fun, playing, saying no when you need to, saying yes when you need to! You know how to care for yourself, so make the time to do it. This is power in and of itself.

  • Connect with Spirit. Ask for what you need. If the word Spirit doesn’t resonate with you, choose another one. Life. Universe. God. Santa Clause. Doesn’t matter. Just ask, pray, figure out what you need and call it in. Connect to the part of you that’s greater than your day to day, the part of us all that’s greater. There’s so much power and wisdom here and life is constantly speaking to you. The key is, are you listening? Are you watching for the signs, heeding them and allowing them to inspire and motivate you? Are you seeing how much life loves you and that every single thing that happens to you is happening FOR YOU? To support your learning and growing and healing and expanding? It can be a powerful shift in perspective and one that will support your growing power.

I’m in awe of all of the growing power I see around me and in the world and I’m so deeply grateful to be a part of it. There are some really amazing things happening right now. I invite you to be a part of it in the biggest way possible.

With love.
